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Virtuální semináře: Technologické inovace v dopravě a mobilitě

Iva Sojková Virtual seminar: Technological innovation in transport and mobility On 27 May - 1 June 2021, Liaison offices for research, development and innovation in Brussels from Slovakia, Lithuania, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland ...


The CAS has joined another call for project proposals within the EIG CONCERT-Japan platform, aimed at strengthening cooperation between European countries and Japan in science, technology and innovation. ...

Spuštění Demografického atlasu EU

Iva Sojková Launch of the Atlas of Demography of the EU On 29 April 2021, European Commission launches the first edition of the EU Atlas of Demography. ...

Virtuální semináře: Technologické inovace v dopravě a mobilitě

On 27 May and 1 June 2021, Liaison offices for research, development and innovation in Brussels from Slovakia, Lithuania, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland jointly organize a virtual event Mobility and Transport Days. ...

Spuštění Demografického atlasu EU

The European Commission launches the first edition of the EU Atlas of Demography. Iva Sojková Launch of the Atlas of Demography of the EU The Atlas o Demography represents a new, interactive and multidimensional tool developed by the Joint ...

Online Globální inovační summit 2021

The summit organised in Graz (Austria) will take place on 18-20 May 2021 and will provide an international meeting place for businesses, innovators, researchers and funding experts to network, share knowledge and develop new business ideas. ...

Webinář: Posílení Evropy skrze výzkum a inovace

In June 2021, The University Alliance Stockholm Trio and the local and regional authorities in the Stockholm Region are organising a webinar on the topic of “How to steer and accelerate Europe’s recovery, preparedness and resilience through ...

Webinář k umělé inteligenci v Evropě

VISION Project is organising a webinar with aim to present updated information on European excellence in AI and its new regulatory framework on AI. ...

Webinář: Příležitosti pro financování EU v oblasti vesmíru

Webinar: EU Funding Opportunities for Space-based Research The opportunities for funding presented by the EU programs will be demonstrated though Lithuania’s New Space players’ success stories. ...

Konference o budoucnosti vědecké komunikace

Iva Sojková Future of Science Communication Conference If you are interested in the science communication, than you should not miss a conference on the Future of Science Communication that is organised in Berlin on 24-25June 2021. ...

Webinář: Příležitosti pro financování EU v oblasti vesmíru

Lyudmyla Tysyachna Webinar: EU Funding Opportunities for Space-based Research On 12 May 2021, a webinar on EU funding opportunities for space research will be organised by Lithuanian RDI Liaison Office. ...

Webinář: Spojené království v Horizontu Evropa

Lyudmyla Tysyachna Webinar: The UK in Horizon Europe Would you like to include your British partners into a project proposal to Horizon Europe, but are you not sure what the conditions for their participation will be? ...

Webinář Evropské komise: Aktuality v Horizontu Evropa

Lyudmyla Tysyachna Webinar of the European Commission: Latest updates on Horizon Europe EMDESK in cooperation with the European Commission are preparing a webinar on the latest updates on Horizon Europe. For more information, please see here.



Barcelonská letní škola k vědecké diplomacii 2021

SciTech DiploHub, the Barcelona Science and Technology Diplomacy Hub, and IBEI, an academic and research institution specializing on global affairs from Barcelona, are co-organising a two-week training course on Science and Technology Diplomacy. ...

Webinář k umělé inteligenci v Evropě

Iva Sojková Webinar on AI in Europe VISION Project is organising a webinar with aim to present updated information on European excellence in AI and its new regulatory framework on AI. Detailed information available here.

Webinář: Posílení Evropy skrze výzkum a inovace

Iva Sojková Webinar: Resilience of Europe through research and innovation In June 2021, The University Alliance Stockholm Trio and the local and regional authorities in the Stockholm Region are organising a webinar on the topic of “How to steer ...

Online Globální inovační summit 2021

Iva Sojková The Global Innovation Summit 2021 online The summit organised in Graz (AT) will take place on 18 – 20 May 2021 and provides an international meeting place for businesses, innovators, researchers and funding experts to network, share ...

Webinář k nové strategii EIT

Iva Sojková Webinar on the new strategy of the EIT In the mid-June 2021 you may participate on the launch session of the new EIT Strategic Innovation Agenda 2021-20217. ...

Online workshop o metodách a modelech v biomedicíně

Iva Sojková Online workshop on methods and models in biomedical sciences The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) is co-organising an online workshop focused on scientific methods and models used in biomedical research. ...