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Horizont Evropa a Evropský obranný fond: Rozdíly a podobnosti

The objective of this online event is to give an overview of the EU research and innovation policy developments and funding instruments in the field of defence and security and to build a platform to share participants’ project ideas and find ...

Horizont Evropa a Evropský obranný fond: Rozdíly a podobnosti

Iva Sojková Horizon Europe and European Defence Fund: Differences and similarities The objective of this online event is to give an overview of the EU research and innovation policy developments and funding instruments in the field of defence ...

Konference o transformaci veřejného sektoru: Cloud a datové politiky

This online event will analyse cloud policies for the management of the public sector data, recently issued by a number of European member states. ...

Konference o transformaci veřejného sektoru: Cloud a datové politiky

Iva Sojková Public Sector Transformation Conference: Cloud & Data Policies This online event will analyse cloud policies for the management of the public sector data, recently issued by a number of European member states. ...

Konference: Od twinningu k excellence hub pro tuniský zemědělský poradenský systém

Farmers’ Adaptation and Sustainability in Tunisia through Excellence in Research (FASTER) is a Twinning Project funded by European Commission through Horizon 2020 funding programme. ...

Národní informační den: Horizont Evropa – vědy o živé přírodě

The Technology Centre of the CAS in cooperation with the Czech University of Life Sciences is organising an information day focused on new opportunities under the Horizon Europe programme - Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, ...

Národní informační den: Horizont Evropa – vědy o živé přírodě

Iva Sojková National Information Day: Horizon Europe - Life Sciences The Technology Centre of the CAS in cooperation with the Czech University of Life Sciences is organising an information day focused on new opportunities under the Horizon ...

Informační schůzka: Obnova oceánů a vod do roku 2030

This session will present the new Horizon Europe Mission: Ocean, Seas and Waters. Iva Sojková Info session: Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030 The mission's objective is to restore our Oceans and Waters by 2030, taking a systemic approach ...

Online konference: Klimaticky neutrální výroba oceli v Evropě

The event aims to support the EU in achieving its targets for a climate-neutral Europe by 2050 by providing effective solutions for low-carbon steelmaking. ...

Informační schůzka: Obnova oceánů a vod do roku 2030

Iva Sojková Info session: Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030 This session will present the new Horizon Europe Mission: Ocean, Seas and Waters. ...

Online konference: Klimaticky neutrální výroba oceli v Evropě

Iva Sojková Online conference: Climate-neutral steelmaking in Europe The event aims to support the EU in achieving its targets for a climate-neutral Europe by 2050 by providing effective solutions for low-carbon steelmaking. ...

REGON: Manažeři a administrátoři ve výzkumu

The November REGON meeting will feature representatives from national associations of research project managers and administrators. ...

Webinář o mezinárodní spolupráci v programu Horizont Evropa

This half day seminar will address the policy framework as well as rules and regulations for international cooperation under Horizon Europe. ...

Online podzimní škola o chemické biologii

The autumn training school will introduce its participants to various aspects of chemical biology. Iva Sojková Online Training School on Chemical Biology Apart from an introduction to chemical biology, it will also address the following areas: ...

Podzimní škola o chemické biologii

Iva Sojková Training School on Chemical Biology The autumn training school will introduce its participants various aspects of chemical biology. More information about the event is available here.

REGON: Manažeři a administrátoři ve výzkumu

Iva Sojková REGON: Research Managers and Administrators The November REGON meeting will feature representatives from national associations of research project managers and administrators. ...

EUSPA - Dny inovací v oblasti vesmíru

The event will offer participants the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the latest funding opportunities for innovators, businesses and researchers but also an overview of latest novelties in the EU Space Programme and its services. ...

Konference o vědecké diplomacii

A highly interdisciplinary group of scholars in the humanities and social sciences will interact with science diplomacy practitioners and stakeholders during three days of workshops, networking and panel discussions. ...

Konference o vědecké diplomacii

Iva Sojková Conference on Science Diplomacy A highly interdisciplinary group of scholars in the humanities and social sciences will interact with science diplomacy practitioners and stakeholders during three days of workshops, networking and ...

Výzva programu Horizont 2020 - Evropská zelená dohoda: výsledky a ambice do budoucna

The European Commission is organising a kick-off event to celebrate the projects selected for funding under the Horizon 2020 European Green Deal call. ...