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Webinář: Psaní návrhů v Horizontu Evropa

During this half an hour free event where the Europa Media Trainings’ trainers will be answering participants’ questions on Horizon Europe proposal writing. ...

Výzva programu Horizont 2020 - Evropská zelená dohoda: výsledky a ambice do budoucna

Iva Sojková Horizon 2020 European Green Deal call: results and ambitions for the future The European Commission is organising a kick-off event to celebrate the projects selected for funding under the Horizon 2020 European Green Deal call. ...

Webinář: Psaní návrhů v Horizontu Evropa

Iva Sojková Webinar: Horizon Europe Proposal Writing During this half an hour free event where the Europa Media Trainings’ trainers will be answering participants’ questions on Horizon Europe proposal writing. ...

Online akce: Jak důležitá je pro Evropskou investiční banku veřejná odpovědnost?

On the occasion of its 15th anniversary, the European Investment Bank’s Inspectorate General is hosting a conference on “Public Accountability”. Iva Sojková Online event: How important is public accountability for the EU Bank? ...

Online akce: Jak důležitá je pro Evropskou investiční banku veřejná odpovědnost?

Iva Sojková Online event: How important is public accountability for the EU Bank? On the occasion of its 15th anniversary, the European Investment Bank’s Inspectorate General is hosting a conference on “Public Accountability”. ...

EUSPA - Dny inovací v oblasti vesmíru

Iva Sojková EUSPA Space Downstream Innovation Days The event will offer participants the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the latest funding opportunities for innovators, businesses and researchers but also an overview of latest ...

Konference EU o vesmíru

Held under the auspices of the Slovenian Presidency of the European Union, the EU Space Conference 2021 is gathering high-level institutional speakers, industry representatives, and members of the European space ecosystem. ...

Konference EU o vesmíru

Iva Sojková EU Space Conference Held under the auspices of the Slovenian Presidency of the European Union, the EU Space Conference 2021 is gathering high-level institutional speakers, industry representatives and members of the European space ...

JRC na COP26 - doprovodné akce

The COP26 will bring Parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). ...

JRC na COP26 - doprovodné akce

Iva Sojková JRC at the COP26 –side events The COP26 will bring Parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). ...

Online akce: Švédské dny inovací

Iva Sojková Online event: Sweden Innovation Days Sweden Innovation Days is a free four day event dedicated to fostering international collaboration and its aim is to attract partners with clear and actionable missions within innovation to work ...

Online akce: Švédské dny inovací

Sweden Innovation Days is a free four day event dedicated to fostering international collaboration and its aim is to attract partners with clear and actionable missions within innovation to work across sectors in order to create a more ...

Série školení o přípravě a řízení projektů EU

Europa Media Trainings is offering a series of workshops during autumn 2021 that address practical issues in project proposal preparation and writing, administration and management in H2020 and Horizon Europe. ...

Webinář o mezinárodní spolupráci v programu Horizont Evropa

Iva Sojková Webinar on International Cooperation in Horizon Europe This half day seminar will address the policy framework as well as rules and regulations for international cooperation under Horizon Europe. ...

Evropský summit o rakovině 2021

The European Cancer Summit is a key event on the cancer policy and its goal is to showcase the multi-stakeholder, collaborative efforts being made, to ensure tangible results. ...

Webinář: Platforma Horizon Results

This webinar aims to provide information to the National Contact Points (NCPs) for the Horizon Europe programme about the Horizon Results Platform and who can benefit from it, with special emphasis on the role of NCPs at present and in the ...

Webinář: Platforma Horizon Results

Iva Sojková Webinar: Horizon Results Platform This webinar aims to provide information to the National Contact Points (NCPs) for the Horizon Europe programme about the Horizon Results Platform and who can benefit from it, with special emphasis ...

Online akce: Genderová rovnost ve výzkumu

Horizon Europe sets gender equality as a cross-cutting principle and aims to eliminate gender inequality and intersecting socioeconomic inequalities throughout research and innovation systems, including by addressing unconscious bias and ...

Výzva JRC k předkládání návrhů: Reakční stěna a testování zranitelnosti budov

The Joint Research Centre invites cross-boundary proposals for projects to experiment, prototype and demonstrate ideas for the New European Bauhaus. ...

Online akce: Genderová rovnost ve výzkumu

Iva Sojková Online event: Gender equality in research This event is organised by GE ACADEMY, which has been working on a project addressing the gender inequalities in the R&I ecosystem for several years in its project. ...