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Výsledky vyhledávání
Školení o managementu dat a otevřené vědě

The purpose of these two workshops is to support the development of data stewardship skills among staff in research performing organisations. ...

Online akce: EARTO Policy Event & Innovation Awards 2021

European Association of Research & Technology Organisations (EARTO) organises its Policy Event to discuss relevant policy issues on RD&I. ...

Týden webinářů: Služby řízení mimořádných událostí programu Copernicus (CEMS)

CEMS Week invites the public, service users, and experts to participate in a discussion about the future of user community and services of on-demand mapping and early warning and monitoring. ...

Služby řízení mimořádných událostí programu Copernicus (CEMS) Týden 2021

Iva Sojková Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) Week 2021 CEMS Week invites the public, service users, and experts to participate in a discussion about the future of user community and services of on-demand mapping and early warning ...

Týden JRC o kompozitních ukazatelích a výsledkových tabulkách

Iva Sojková Training workshops on data management Open Science The purpose of these two workshops is to support the development of data stewardship skills among staff in research performing organisations. ...

Informační webinář: Společná výzva Evropského partnerství pro biodiverzitu

The online event will get is participants ready for the first Call of the European Biodiversity Partnership “Supporting the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems across land and sea”. ...

Informační webinář: Společná výzva Evropského partnerství pro biodiverzitu

Iva Sojková Information webinar: Joint Call of the European Biodiversity Partnership The online event will get is participants ready for the first Call of the European Biodiversity Partnership “Supporting the protection of biodiversity and ...

Networkingová akce ke klastru 5: klima, energie a mobilita

Iva Sojková Networking event on Cluster 5: Climate, Energy, and Mobility The online networking event will cover informative sessions about the Cluster 5 call topics, pitching sessions for the presentation of ideas & competences and finding ...

Informační schůzka o Horizon Results Booster

The European Commission will hold a webinar to present and discuss how bring continual stream of innovation to the market and beyond. ...

Webinář: Předcházení chybám při vykazování osobních nákladů v grantech Horizontu 2020

The European Commission will hold a webinar to present and discuss how to avoid errors in declaring personnel costs in Horizon 2020 grants. ...

Webinář: Předcházení chybám při vykazování osobních nákladů v grantech Horizontu 2020

Iva Sojková Webinar: Avoiding errors in declaring personnel costs in Horizon 2020 grants The European Commission will hold a webinar to present and discuss how to void errors in declaring personnel costs in Horizon 2020 grants. ...

Informační den: Interregionální investice do inovací - I3

The European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) is organising an informative webinar to learn more about the Interregional Innovation Investment Work Programme (I3) 2021-2022. ...

Informační den online: Interregionální investice do inovací - I3

Iva Sojková Online info day: Interregional Innovation Investment – I3 The European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) is organising an informative webinar to learn more about the Interregional Innovation Investment Work ...

Konference: Argumenty pro demokracii

The Conference will address the question what are the dividends of democratic governance. Iva Sojková Conference: The Case for Democracy The Case for Democracy Conference brings together leading scholars from various fields of expertise to ...

Konference: Argumenty pro demokracii

Iva Sojková Conference: The Case for Democracy The Conference will address the question what are the dividends of democratic governance. More information about the event is available under this link.

Mentoringová akce ERC Starting Grant - hodnocení projektu a zařazení do užšího výběru

The online event will be focused on the ERC StG evaluation process – how ERC’s evaluation panels work and how decisions within evaluation panels are made to recommend a grant application for funding. ...

Mentoringová akce ERC Starting Grant – hodnocení projektu a zařazení do užšího výběru

Iva Sojková ERC Starting Grant Mentoring Event – project evaluation and shortlisting The online event will be focused on the ERC StG evaluation process – how ERC’s evaluation panels work and how decisions within evaluation panels are made to ...

IGLO Open: Mise v Horizontu Evropa

The missions have been recently given a green light in the EU and this webinar - “IGLO OPEN on Missions: What’s Next?!”, will discuss what has been decided, how this process went, and what it means for the future. ...

IGLO Open: Mise v Horizontu Evropa

Iva Sojková IGLO Open: Missions in Horizon Europe The missions have been recently given a green light in the EU and this webinar - “IGLO OPEN on Missions: What’s Next?! ...

Webinář: Mise EU v oblasti rakoviny

The webinar is an opportunity to learn more about the Mission on Cancer, what it intends to deliver and how, and receive information on the implementation of Europe's Beating Cancer Plan. ...