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Informační schůzka: Adaptace misí na změnu klimatu

The information session will allow participants to get an overview of the mechanics of the Mission, its funding opportunities, and its timeline. ...

Webinář: Mise EU v oblasti rakoviny

Iva Sojková Webinar: EU Mission on Cancer The webinar is an opportunity to learn more about the Mission on Cancer, what it intends to deliver and how, and receive information on the implementation of the Europe's Beating Cancer Plan. ...

Konference JPI o kontaminantech vody

The 3rd Water JPI Conference named "From research to practice: Pollutants, Pathogens and Antimicrobial Resistances in the Water Cycle”. ...

Informační schůzka: Adaptace misí na změnu klimatu

Iva Sojková Information session: Mission Adaptation to Climate Change The information session will allow participants to get an overview of the mechanics of the Mission, its funding opportunities and timeline. ...

Konference JPI o kontaminantech vody

Iva Sojková Water JPI Conference on water contaminants The 3rd Water JPI Conference named "From research to practice : Pollutants, Pathogens and Antimicrobial Resistances in the Water Cycle”. More information about this event is available here.

Networkingová akce: Horizon Europe klastr 4 - Průmysl

The online event aims at bringing together participants from Europe and Turkey, coming from both research and industrial communities working in related fields. ...

Networkingová akce: Horizon Europe klastr 4 - Průmysl

Iva Sojková Networking event: Horizon Europe Cluster 4 – Industry The online event aims at bringing together participants from Europe and Turkey, coming from both research and industrial communities working in related fields. ...

Předběžné termíny výzev ERC na rok 2023

After two rounds of ERC grant competitions that followed an untypical schedule, the ERC intends to return to a normal calendar of calls under the Work Programme 2023. ...

Webinář: K 80% povědomí o Evropském kodexu boje proti rakovině v roce 2025

European Cancer Leagues is organising a public webinar on the topic of measuring the awareness of the European Code against Cancer (ECAC) consistent with the ambitions of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. ...

Webinář: K 80% povědomí o Evropském kodexu boje proti rakovině v roce 2025

Iva Sojková Webinar: Towards 80% awareness of the European Code Against Cancer in 2025 European Cancer Leagues is organising a public webinar on the topic of measuring the awareness of the European Code against Cancer (ECAC) consistent with the ...

STEM Out of the Box: Představy žen o nových kariérních cestách mimo oblast vědy

On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2022, EQUALS-EU and join forces to hold a one-hour conversation that highlights the trajectories of female innovators who have utilized STEM education to move ...

STEM Out of the Box: Představy žen o nových kariérních cestách mimo oblast vědy

Iva Sojková STEM Out of the Box: Women Imagining New Career Paths Beyond Hard Science On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2022, EQUALS-EU and shemakes. ...

Webinář o budování konsorcia Horizont Evropa pro oblast baterií

Iva Sojková Webinar on Horizon Europe Batteries Consortium Building The webinar will be an opportunity to learn about the upcoming Batteries call topics from the Batteries European Partnership Association (BEPA) and chance to network and join ...

Mezinárodní konference o evropských studiích

The Conference gathers scholars from different fields in Economics and Social Sciences, with the objective of contributing to the empirical and theoretical debate on Europe. ...

Horizont Evropa: První zhodnocení

The conference assessments will be assisted by surveys and research by the Science|Business news team in the months leading up to the event and the results will include a high-impact white paper summarising the views of Science|Business members ...

Školení projektových manažerů zemí V4

Iva Sojková V4 training for project managers in European research The purpose of the V4 Training is to increase the professional capacity of project managers by providing targeted information with added value from Brussels and raising their ...

Školení projektových manažerů zemí V4

The purpose of the V4 Training is to increase the professional capacity of project managers by providing targeted information with added value from Brussels and raising their awareness of the political context of European research and innovation ...

Online kurz: Psaní návrhů pro výzkumné a inovační projekty

This course is aimed at equipping individuals in organisations of all types who have the responsibility for developing project proposals – with the necessary skills and know-how in order to produce engaging, high-quality, successful bids. ...

Online kurz: Psaní návrhů pro výzkumné a inovační projekty

Iva Sojková Online course: Proposal writing for research & innovation projects This course is aimed at equipping individuals in organisations of all types and who have the responsibility for developing project proposals – with the necessary ...

Partnerství EU-Catalyst: Předkládání návrhů projektů v oblasti zelených technologií

Breakthrough Energy Catalyst published a request for proposals for large-scale deep green tech projects based in Europe. ...