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Workshop ESFRI RIs-EOSC: Co přináší EOSC pro uživatele výzkumných infrastruktur?

The event will focus on the current state of EOSC and how the thematic RIs and ESFRI clusters fit into the developing landscape, including the partnership with the newly established EOSC Association. ...

Workshop ESFRI RIs-EOSC: Co přináší EOSC pro uživatele výzkumných infrastruktur?

Iva Sojková ESFRI RIs-EOSC Workshop: What does EOSC bring to RI users? The event will focus on the current state of EOSC and how the thematic RIs and ESFRI clusters fit into the developing landscape, including the partnership with the newly ...

Konference k bezpečnostnímu výzkumu

The 2022 edition of the Security Research Event (SRE) will explore how security research contributes to the overall resilience of our society against disasters and crises. ...

Konference k bezpečnostnímu výzkumu

Iva Sojková Security Research Event The 2022 edition of the Security Research Event (SRE) will explore how security research contributes to the overall resilience of our society against disasters and crises. ...

Nový evropský Bauhaus: přijímání přihlášek na ceny pro rok 2022

The 2022 edition will celebrate new inspiring examples of the transformations the initiative wants to bring about in our daily lives, living spaces and experiences. ...

Online série filmů: Akční plány pro genderovou rovnost

The Committee for Gender Balance and Diversity in Research (KIF Committee) created a film series about why and how to implement equality action plans, and the key success factors behind them and efforts to promote gender equality. ...

Online workshop: Transfer technologií v programu Horizont Evropa

This workshop is designed for people responsible for setting up collaborations between academia and industry, wishing to expand their skills and deepen their knowledge of the intricacies of research and development collaborations between ...

Program EIT Food Seedbed 2022

EIT Food Seedbed: The pre-accelerator program to drive the entrepreneurs of tomorrow is a free-of-charge program supporting innovative agri-food start-ups. ...

Evropské setkání Francouzského národního onkologického institutu o rakovině

This forum for discussion and co-construction of solutions for fighting cancer will allow key European institutional stakeholders and experts to share their views and make proposals regarding the key issues related to fighting cancer. ...

Evropské setkání Francouzského národního onkologického institutu o rakovině

Iva Sojková European Cancer Meeting of the French National Cancer Institute This forum for discussion and co-construction of solutions for fighting cancer will allow key European institutional stakeholders and experts to share their views and ...

Konference: Vědecká diplomacie, rozmanitost a globální Jih

This event places the focus on the "Global South" and explores a set of crucial themes in Europe’s scientific relationships to this loosely bound group of regions. ...

Konference: Vědecká diplomacie, rozmanitost a globální Jih

Iva Sojková Conference: Science diplomacy, diversity and the Global South This event places the focus on the "Global South" and explores a set of crucial themes in Europe’s scientific relationships to this loosely bound group of ...

Hodnocení návrhů: Novinky v programu Horizont Evropa

This short article shows some fundamental changes between Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe proposal evaluation. Iva Sojková Proposals Evaluation: What’s new in Horizon Europe Please, also notice that you may watch some recorded training videos ...

Veřejný informační den k SNS JU

Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) is an European institutionalised partnership under Cluster 4 – Digital, Industry and Space of Horizon Europe programme. ...

Veřejný informační den k SNS JU

Iva Sojková SNS JU Public Information Day Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) is an European institutionalised partnership under Cluster 4 – Digital, Industry and Space of Horizon Europe programme. ...

Výzva na členství ve vědeckém výboru CBE JU

The Circular Bio-Based Europe Joint Undertaking has launched a call for the expression of interest to draw up a shortlist of candidates for the appointment as members to its Scientific Committee. ...

Mezinárodní konference o evropských studiích

Iva Sojková International Conference on European Studies The Conference gathers scholars from different fields in Economics and Social Sciences, with the objective of contributing to the empirical and theoretical debate on Europe. ...

OSEC 2022 - Evropská konference o otevřené vědě v Paříži

Iva Sojková OSEC 2022 - Paris Open Science European Conference The main topics addressed during this conference come within the framework of the transformation of the research and innovation ecosystem in Europe. ...

Nástroje EU pro boj proti zahraničním interferencím ve výzkumu

The Working Document is designed to provide information on practices to mitigate foreign interference risks to HEIs and RPOs. ...

Video: KPIs v programu Horizont Evropa

This recorded webinar will answer some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the Key Performance Indicators. Iva Sojková KPIs in Horizon Europe: learn the basics The recorded video addresses some basic questions: what are the KPIs? ...