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Ocenění Průmysl 5.0

The award recognises EU-funded projects that make an outstanding contribution to building a more human-centric, sustainable and resilient European industry. Iva Sojková Industry 5.0 award Industry 5. ...

Informační den: Nástroje pro propojení Evropy - digitální výzvy

The event is meant to prepare applicants to draft the best possible proposals within the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Digital calls. ...

Nové projektové výzvy v oblasti digitálních technologií

Key Digital Technologies Joint Undertaking (KDT JU) opens three new calls in the area of digital technologies in Horizon Europe framework programme. ...

Online workshop: Transfer technologií v programu Horizont Evropa

Iva Sojková Online workshop: Technology transfer in Horizon Europe This workshop is designed for people responsible for setting up collaborations between academia and industry, wishing to expand their skills and deepen their knowledge of the ...

Informační akce o vodíku se zeměmi V4

This event will allow the participants to mutually inform each other about national and European programmes, to have a clearer picture about the broad landscape on hydrogen research and innovation, to define synergies and possible fields for ...

Informační akce o vodíku se zeměmi V4

Iva Sojková Info event on hydrogen with and for V4 countries This event will allow the participants to mutually inform each other about national and European programmes, to have a clearer picture about the broad landscape on hydrogen research ...

Partnerská burza: Obnova oceánů a vod a dohoda o půdě pro Evropu

The Networking Event aims to gather participants from Europe and beyond, who come from research institutions, industrial organizations and local authorities having the ambitious goals to deliver “Restore Our Ocean and Waters & A Soil Deal ...

Partnerská burza: Obnova oceánů a vod a dohoda o půdě pro Evropu

Iva Sojková Networking event: Restore Our Ocean and Waters & A Soil Deal for Europe The Networking Event aims to gather participants from Europe and beyond, who come from research institutions, industrial organizations and local authorities ...

Partnerská burza: Celoevropské partnerství v oblasti Big Science

The event is an excellent opportunity to meet research facilities and European technology suppliers to explore new opportunities in the area of scientific cooperation. ...

Partnerská burza: Celoevropské partnerství v oblasti Big Science

Iva Sojková Brokerage event: Pan-European partnering in Big Science The event is an excellent opportunity to meet research facilities and European technology suppliers to explore new opportunities in the area of scientific cooperation. ...

Webinář: Novinky v řízení a vykazování projektů v programu Horizont Evropa

The webinar will review the changes of the Grant Agreement and the Consortium Agreement, and also take a close look at the new Horizon Europe DESCA model. ...

Webinář: Novinky v řízení a vykazování projektů v programu Horizont Evropa

Iva Sojková Webinar: Horizon Europe project management and reporting novelties The webinar will review the changes of the Grant Agreement and the Consortium Agreement, and also take a close look at the new Horizon Europe DESCA model. ...

Konference o otevřené vědě

The annual conference is dedicated to the Open Science movement and provides a unique forum for researchers, librarians, practitioners, infrastructure providers, policymakers, and other important stakeholders to discuss the latest and future ...

Konference o otevřené vědě

Iva Sojková Open Science Conference The annual conference is dedicated to the Open Science movement and provides a unique forum for researchers, librarians, practitioners, infrastructure providers, policy makers, and other important stakeholders ...

EIT Food Government Executive Academy

EIT Food Government Executive Academy brings together public sector representatives from countries of Southern and Eastern Europe, covered by EIT Regional Innovation Scheme (EIT RIS). ...

Týden valorizace znalostí v EU

The event will showcase excellent examples of policies and tools that promote the uptake of research results and science-based solutions for the benefit of all. ...

Týden valorizace znalostí v EU

Iva Sojková EU Knowledge Valorisation Week The event will showcase excellent examples of policies and tools that promote the uptake of research results and science-based solutions for the benefit of all. ...

Slovenský informační den k programu COST

The COST Info Day is an opportunity to get to know more about the possibilities offered by this international cooperation. ...

Slovenský informační den k programu COST

Iva Sojková Slovak COST Info Day 2022 The COST Info Day is an opportunity to get to know more about the possibilities offered by this international cooperation. More information about the event can be found here.

Výzva k podávání přihlášek: Školení školitelů – kurz Důkazy pro politiku

Providing and using evidence in policymaking is a complex task demanding distinct competencies that are rarely part of the curricula for scientific degrees at university. ...