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Výsledky vyhledávání
Podcast: Rozhovory na pomezí vědy, společnosti a politiky

The podcast looks into the importance of good science informing smart policy, an issue accentuated during the ongoing world pandemic. ...

Webinář: Vykazování nákladů v programu Horizont Evropa

This event offers first-hand information as well as a question-and-answer session about the cost reporting of other costs with focus on internal invoicing in Horizon Europe projects. ...

Webinář: Vykazování nákladů v programu Horizont Evropa

Iva Sojková Webinar: Cost reporting in Horizon Europe This event offers first-hand information as well as a question-and-answer session about the cost reporting of other costs with focus on internal invoicing in Horizon Europe projects. ...

Online workshop: Propojení tvorby politik v EU s vědeckým výzkumem

The workshop named “Share your views – How to support and connect policymaking in the EU and Member States with scientific research? ...

Online workshop: Propojení tvorby politik v EU s vědeckým výzkumem

Iva Sojková Online workshop: Connecting policymaking in the EU with scientific research The workshop named “Share your views – How to support and connect policymaking in the EU and Member States with scientific research? ...

Webinář: Genderová rovnost ve výzkumu

The EU is committed to advancing gender equality in all areas, the Research and Innovation (R&I) sector being no exception. ...

Konference o Novém evropském Bauhausu

The online conference "Creative collaborations for the future - drivers for interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral innovations in Europe" will introduce The New European Bauhaus and showcase creative approaches and cross-sectoral ...

Webinář: Genderová rovnost ve výzkumu

Iva Sojková Webinar: Gender equality in research The EU is committed to advancing gender equality in all areas, the Research and Innovation (R&I) sector being no exception. ...

Konference o Novém evropském Bauhausu

Iva Sojková Conference on the New European Bauhaus The online conference "Creative collaborations for the future - drivers for interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral innovations in Europe" will introduce The New European Bauhaus and ...

Sympozium: Dědictví pro budoucnost, věda pro dědictví

This symposium focuses on heritage science, an interdisciplinary field that contributes to the identification, understanding, conservation and transmission of cultural heritage, whether tangible, intangible, natural or digital. ...

Sympozium: Dědictví pro budoucnost, věda pro dědictví

Iva Sojková Symposium: Heritage for the Future, Science for Heritage This symposium focuses on heritage science, an interdisciplinary field that contributes to the identification, understanding, conservation and transmission of cultural ...


The HERA partnership, supporting research in the field of humanities in Europe, has launched after a successful webinar series a new initiative Project of the Month. ...

Konference EARMA v Oslu

The conference will offer a variety of interesting topics and share the most relevant and interesting information in research management, administration and support. ...

Informační dny pro mise EU

Iva Sojková Info-days for EU Missions The Info-Days will present a wide range of new topics for all five missions which are part of the amended Missions’ Work Programme 2021 under Horizon Europe. ...

Webinář o příležitostech pro společenské a humanitní vědy v Horizontu Evropa

The two-day event targets the project managers with aim to provide a comprehensive overview about the funding opportunities for the social sciences and humanities that are available across the Horizon Europe. ...

Webinář o příležitostech pro společenské a humanitní vědy v Horizontu Evropa

Iva Sojková Webinar: Opportunities for social sciences and humanities in Horizon Europe The two-day event targets the project managers with aim to provide a comprehensive overview about the funding opportunities for the social sciences and ...

Webinář: Horizont Evropa - první hodnocení programu

The online event aims to provide the first public assessment of the Horizon Europe programme. Iva Sojková Webinar: Horizon Europe – The First Assessment Specifically, it will address the following questions: How are the standard Horizon ...

Webinář: Horizont Evropa - první hodnocení programu

Iva Sojková Webinar: Horizon Europe – The First Assessment The online event aims to provide the first public assessment of the Horizon Europe programme. More information about the event is available here.

Seminář: Inovativní bioekonomika - budoucí strategie a řešení

This high-level event is focused on the topic of how bioeconomy innovations provide Europe with better opportunities to move towards a low-carbon and resource-efficient society and a sustainable economy. ...

Seminář: Inovativní bioekonomika - budoucí strategie a řešení

Iva Sojková Seminar: Innovative Bioeconomy – Future Strategies and Solutions This high-level event is focused on the topic of how bioeconomy innovations provide Europe with better opportunities to move towards a low-carbon and resource-efficient ...