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Partnerská burza: Digitální a nové technologie a umělá inteligence zaměřená na člověka

The goal of the event is to build a platform for everyone to share their ideas and find partners for future consortia in Horizon Europe calls, with a particular focus on Cluster 4, under Digital related topics. ...

Online akce: Priority francouzského předsednictví v oblasti VaVaI

The online event will introduce France’s priorities during its upcoming EU Council Presidency for the areas of R&I and higher education. ...

Partnerská burza: Digitální a nové technologie a umělá inteligence zaměřená na člověka

Iva Sojková Matchmaking event: Digital and emerging technologies and human-centred AI The goal of the event is to build a platform for everyone to share their ideas and find partners for future consortia in Horizon Europe calls, with a ...

Online akce: Priority francouzského předsednictví v oblasti VaVaI

Iva Sojková Online event: France’s EU Council Presidency priorities for R&I The online event will introduce France’s priorities during its upcoming EU Council Presidency for the areas of R&I and higher education. ...

Evropská komise hledá odborné poradce pro mise EU

The European Commission launched a call for experts to join the five Mission Boards, with the role of advising on the implementation of the EU Missions. ...

Manifest: Výzkum pro Evropu

The Czech Academy of Sciences became a signatory to a Manifesto calling for research and innovation to become part of the Conference on the Future of Europe. ...

Informační den o klastru 5 - klima, energie a mobilita

The primary goal of the Cluster 5 info day is to present 74 open topics of the Horizon Europe Cluster 5 2022 calls. Iva Sojková Info day on Cluster 5 - Climate, Energy & Mobility The Cluster 5’s topics will be presented via organising one ...

Informační den o klastru 5 - klima, energie a mobilita

Iva Sojková Info day on Cluster 5 - Climate, Energy & Mobility The primary goal of the Cluster 5 info day is to present 74 open topics of the Horizon Europe Cluster 5 2022 calls. ...

Ocenění Horizon Impact Award 2022

The European Commission launched the third edition of Horizon Impact Award prize, which is the EC's initiative to recognise and celebrate outstanding projects that have used their results to provide value for society. ...

Webinář: Příprava grantové dohody v programu Horizont Evropa

The online webinar “Horizon Europe Coordinators’ Day: Grant Agreement Preparation” will provide its participants with information on the issues regarding the GAP process, legal status and financial capacity, and submission and evaluation of ...

Webinář: Příprava grantové dohody v programu Horizont Evropa

Iva Sojková Webinar: Grant Agreement Preparation in Horizon Europe The online webinar “Horizon Europe Coordinators’ Day: Grant Agreement Preparation” will provide its participants information on the issues regarding GAP process, legal status and ...

Informační den: Nástroje pro propojení Evropy - digitální výzvy

Iva Sojková Info Day: Connecting Europe Facility Digital Calls The event is meant to prepare applicants to draft the best possible proposals within the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Digital calls. ...

Workshop: Věda pro zelenou tranzici

Iva Sojková Workshop: Science for the Green Transition The workshop aims to study the roles and contributions that national governments, research performers, and research funders can play to help apply and translate scientific knowledge into ...

Světový kongres IUCN o ochraně přírody

The forum is a hub of public debate, bringing together people from around the world to discuss and develop solutions to the world’s most pressing conservation and sustainability challenges. ...

Světový kongres IUCN o ochraně přírody

Iva Sojková IUCN World Conservation Congress The forum is a hub of public debate, bringing together people from around the world to discuss and develop solutions to the world’s most pressing conservation and sustainability challenges. ...

Konference o MSCA: Usnadnění mobilit v novém Evropském výzkumném prostoru

The virtual conference will draw attention to one of the key elements of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – the mobility patterns of MSCA fellows. ...

Webináře: Propojení výzkumných pracovníků v Evropě

These two September webinars are focusing on an issue on how to better connect researchers and research organisations across Europe. ...

Summit: Baltic MilTech

The event aims to foster new and existing synergies between private and public sectors, NATO and EU policymakers, industry and research in developing and applying cutting-edge military technologies. ...

Summit: Baltic MilTech

Iva Sojková Summit: Baltic MilTech The event aims to foster new and existing synergies between private and public sectors, NATO and EU policymakers, industry and research in developing and applying cutting-edge military technologies. ...

Webináře: Propojení výzkumných pracovníků v Evropě

Iva Sojková Webinars: Connecting researchers across Europe These two September webinars are focusing on an issue on how to better connect researchers and research organisations across Europe. ...