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Světový kongres o environmentálním vzdělávání: Budování mostů v době klimatické nouze

WEEC is an opportunity to learn more about the latest in environmental and sustainability education, to discuss with people from all over the world, to share your own work and to learn from others. ...

Událost k zahájení činnosti Kompetenčního centra pro participativní a deliberativní demokracii

The new Competence Centre on Participatory and Deliberative Democracy aims to meet the increasing demand to support participatory and deliberative projects and policies. ...

Online workshop: Sociální třídy v digitálním věku (DIGCLASS)

The kick-off workshop of the new project of the Centre for Advanced Studies, "Social Classes in the Digital Age (DIGCLASS)", will bring together international experts on social inequality from different social science disciplines to ...

Světový kongres o environmentálním vzdělávání: Budování mostů v době klimatické nouze

Iva Sojková World Environmental Education Congress: Building Bridges in Times of Climate Urgency WEEC is an opportunity to learn more about the latest in environmental and sustainability education, to discuss with people from all over the world, ...

Událost k zahájení činnosti Kompetenčního centra pro participativní a deliberativní demokracii

Iva Sojková Event on the Launch of the Competence Centre on Participatory and Deliberative Democracy The new Competence Centre on Participatory and Deliberative Democracy aims to meet the increasing demand to support participatory and ...

Konference Smart Cities 2021: Kroky evropských měst k dosažení klimatické neutrality

The goal of the conference is to demonstrate the possibilities for achieving climate neutrality of cities and improving the quality of urban living for residents. ...

Konference Smart Cities 2021: Kroky evropských měst k dosažení klimatické neutrality

Iva Sojková Smart Cities 2021 Conference: Activities of European cities for achieving climate-neutrality The goal of the conference is to demonstrate the possibilities for achieving climate neutrality of cities and improving the quality of urban ...

Online workshop: Sociální třídy v digitálním věku (DIGCLASS)

Iva Sojková Online workshop: Social Classes in the Digital Age (DIGCLASS) The kick-off workshop of the new project of the Centre for Advanced Studies, "Social Classes in the Digital Age (DIGCLASS)", will bring together international ...

Konference o MSCA: Usnadnění mobilit v novém Evropském výzkumném prostoru

Iva Sojková Conference on MSCA: Facilitating brain circulation in the new European Research Area The virtual conference will draw attention to one of the key elements of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – the mobility patterns of MSCA fellows. ...

Webinář: Přechod na nové energetické systémy a jeho dopad na společnost

The event brings together experts to discuss critical issues climate change, in anticipation of the November’s global climate conference - COP26. ...

Online workshop: Cesty k řešení problematiky odlivu mozků v EU

The workshop will give a brief overview of the main causes for brain drain of researchers in different EU Member States. ...

Konference: Vesmír pro zelenou a digitální obnovu

The conference will address the use of space technologies in solving the world’s greatest challenges, such as climate change. ...

Konference: Vesmír pro ekologickou a digitální obnovu

Iva Sojková Conference: Space for a green and digital recovery The conference will address the use of space technologies in solving the world’s greatest challenges, such as climate change. ...

Veřejná konzultace o politice poskytování půjček v dopravě

Iva Sojková Public consultation event on Transport Lending Policy The aim is to give participants an opportunity to engage directly with EIB experts on the questions at stake in the consultation. ...

Webinář: Duševní vlastnictví v projektech Horizontu

Iva Sojková Webinar: Intellectual property in Horizon Projects This webinar aims to give its participants a basic understanding of how to properly deal with intellectual property issues and learn about common pitfalls and IP challenges in ...

Webinář: Přechod na nové energetické systémy a jeho dopad na společnost

Iva Sojková Webinar: Transitioning to new energy systems and its impact on society The event brings together experts to discuss critical issues climate change, in anticipation of the November’s global climate conference - COP26. ...

Webinář: Duševní vlastnictví v projektech Horizontu

This webinar aims to give its participants a basic understanding of how to properly deal with intellectual property issues and learn about common pitfalls and IP challenges in EU-funded research and innovation initiatives. ...

Konference: Nový Evropský výzkumný prostor

Iva Sojková Konference: Nový Evropský výzkumný prostor The Conference will focus on discussing the process of redesigning the European Research Area (ERA) policy framework, informing future European Commission policy initiatives, as well as ...

Konference o biometrice: výzkumné projekty EAB 2021

The online conference is currently the largest event on research funded by the European Union in the area of Biometrics and Identity Management. ...

Konference o biometrice: Konference výzkumných projektů EAB 2021

Iva Sojková Conference on biometrics: EAB Research Projects Conference 2021 The online conference is currently the largest event on research funded by the European Union in the area of Biometrics and Identity Management. ...