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Konference o otevřené vědě

The conference (OSFair 2021) will bring together perspectives from different actors and will suggest ways on how communities can work together to produce roadmaps for the implementation of Open Science. ...

Konference o otevřené vědě

Iva Sojková Open Science Fair Conference The conference (OSFair 2021) will bring together perspectives from different actors and will suggest ways on how communities can work together to produce roadmaps for the implementation of Open Science. ...

Informační den o výzkumu a odborné přípravy v programu Euratom

Iva Sojková Info Day on Euratom Research and Training Programme This meeting will provide general information on Horizon Europe as well as detailed presentations of the Euratom Research and Training Programme 2021-2025. ...


The CAS has joined the latest call for multilateral project proposals announced under the Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Research and Innovation (SEA-Europe JFS). ...

Průzkum o komunikaci EU v oblasti vědy, výzkumu a inovací

The European Commission is seeking to improve its communication on science, research and innovation with EU citizens. Iva Sojková Survey on EU’s communication on science, research and innovation By taking part in this short survey, you can help ...

Veřejná konzultace k valorizaci znalostí

The European Commission has opened a public consultation which should contribute to an updated list of the EU’s recommendations on the management of intellectual property during knowledge transfer. ...

ZÁZNAM: Etika v Horizontu Evropa

The European Commission has made available a recording of a training devoted to ethical aspects of project proposals submitted within Horizon Europe calls. ...

Nový pracovní program Evropské rady pro výzkum byl zveřejněn

On 14 July 2021 The European Research Council’s work programme was adopted and includes over EUR 2.4 billion to fund grants for some 1,100 excellent scientists and scholars in the EU and associated countries. ...

Online kurz: Jak napsat kompetitivní návrh pro program Horizont Evropa

This online course is designed to train research support services how to support researchers in writing professional and competitive proposals for Horizon Europe. ...

Online kurz: Jak napsat kompetitivní návrh pro program Horizont Evropa

Iva Sojková Online course: How to write a competitive proposal for Horizon Europe This online course is designed to train research support services how to support researchers in writing professional and competitive proposals for Horizon Europe. ...

EARMA workshop pro začínající administrátory ve výzkumu

This three-day course is designed for individuals who have recently moved into research administration (RA) roles, with 6 months – 2 years’ experience. ...

Inaugurační virtuální mezinárodní konference pro výzkumné administrátory (VICRA)

VICRA is a 3-day-long, online live event for early to mid-career research administrators. Iva Sojková The Inaugural Virtual International Convention for Research Administrators (VICRA) The four goals of VICRA are: To support and coach early (and ...

EDF hledá experty pro evaluaci návrhů

The European Defence Fund (EDF) is looking for independent experts to assist in the evaluation of proposals. To this end, the call for expression of interest for experts for the programming period 2021-2027 of the EDF is now open. ...

Workshop: Propojení regionálních inovačních ekosystémů

The session will showcase how connecting regional innovation ecosystems to develop interregional value chains is of paramount importance in achieving the digital transition. ...

Konference: Týden udržitelné energie

The Policy Conference is the biggest European conference dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe. Iva Sojková Conference: Sustainable energy week It will be organised in a digital format, under the theme ‘Towards 2030: ...

Konference Farm to Fork – Budování udržitelných potravinových systémů

The event aims to shape the EU's path towards a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food system. Iva Sojková Farm to Fork conference - Building sustainable food systems together The Farm to Fork conference 2021 will focus on the ...

Konference Farm to Fork – Budování udržitelných potravinových systémů

Iva Sojková Konference Farm to Fork – Budování udržitelných potravinových systémů The event aims to shape the EU's path towards a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food system. ...

Konference: Týden udržitelné energie

Iva Sojková Conference: Sustainable energy week The Policy Conference is the biggest European conference dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe. ...

Virtuální informační den: Propojení evropských energetických zařízení 2021

The event will present the policy context of the call for proposals addressing Projects of Common Interest (PCIs), the application and evaluation process, and to provide participants with valuable tips & tricks on writing a successful ...

Online akce: Aktualizovaná průmyslová strategie EU a plány průmyslových technologií ERA

Iva Sojková Online event: The Updated EU Industrial Strategy and the ERA Industrial Technology Roadmaps This one hour session will tackle how the industrial strategy addresses the twin challenges of the green and digital transformations. ...