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Konference o evropské post-pandemické ekonomice

Iva Sojková Conference on the European post Covid-19 economy The European Commission is organizing Annual Research Conference. ...

Online workshop o metodách a modelech v biomedicíně

The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) is co-organising an online workshop focused on scientific methods and models used in biomedical research. ...

Konference o budoucnosti vědecké komunikace

If you are interested in the science communication, than you should not miss a conference on the Future of Science Communication that is organised in Berlin on 24-25 June 2021. ...

Konference o evropské post-pandemické ekonomice

In mid-November, the European Commission (EC) is organizing its Annual Research Conference. The theme of this year’s edition is Charting the European economy post Covid-19: unusual times require unconventional policies. ...

Webinář k nové strategii EIT

In the mid-June 2021 you may participate in the launch session of the new EIT Strategic Innovation Agenda 2021-2027. Iva Sojková Webinar on the new strategy of the EIT The event is organised within the Portuguese Presidency in the Council of the ...

Sociální a humanitní vědy v programu Horizont Evropa

Iva Sojková Social Sciences and Humanities in Horizon Europe The international webinar and networking event informs the participants about the upcoming opportunities for social sciences and humanities (SSH) in Horizon Europe (HEU). ...

Sociální a humanitní vědy v programu Horizont Evropa

The international webinar and networking event informs the participants about the upcoming opportunities for social sciences and humanities (SSH) in Horizon Europe (HEU). ...

Webinář k hodnocení bezpečnosti v programu Horizont Evropa

The online event will introduce an overview of the Security Appraisal process which is required for all activities submitted for funding under Horizon Europe. ...

Online partnerská burza pro Horizont Evropa

This virtual matchmaking event will be focused on the research and innovation communities of Cyprus, Greece, Poland, Slovenia and Hungary. ...

Online partnerská burza pro Horizont Evropa

Iva Sojková Online Matchmaking Event on Horizon Europe This virtual matchmaking event will be focused on the research and innovation communities of Cyprus, Greece, Poland, Slovenia and Hungary. ...

Konference o příležitostech v aplikované vědě v EU

UAS4EUROPE’s online Networking Conference creates networking possibilities for research and innovation stakeholders from industry and civil society as well as for University of Applied Sciences (UAS) representatives and researchers. ...

Konference o příležitostech v aplikované vědě v EU

Iva Sojková Conference on applied science opportunities in the EU UAS4EUROPE’s online Networking Conference creates networking possibilities for research and innovation stakeholders from industry and civil society as well as for University of ...

Webinář: Český den otevřené vědy

Iva Sojková Webinar: Czech Open Science Day The aim of this event is to present the current development in the area of open science and EU Policy in this matter, and possibilities of the implementation of European Open Science standards in the ...

Webinář: Český den otevřené vědy

The Open Science idea is getting growing attention worldwide and, in Horizon Europe (HEU), has become one of the key priorities. ...

Evropská konference a webináře o adaptaci na klimatické změny

Iva Sojková European Climate Change Adaptation conference and webinars The goal of the conference is to inspire climate adaptation action by showcasing solutions, exchanging knowledge, creating connections, and encouraging dialogue on how to act ...

Série webinářů o změnách klimatu

Iva Sojková Series of webinars on climate change The series of webinas preceeds the ECCA 2021 Conference organised 22 June 2021. ...

Virtuální konference CONCORDi 2021 o průmyslových inovacích

The biennial European Conference on Corporate R&D and Innovation discusses on issues related to the economics and policy of corporate R&D and innovation. ...

Online fórum o udržitelnosti výzkumných infrastruktur

In May 2021, the online forum on the topic of Planning for Sustainability of Research Infrastructures will be held. Iva Sojková Online forum on sustainability of research infrastructures The event, which is organised in the frame of the horizon ...

Virtuální konference CONCORDi 2021 o průmyslových inovacích

Iva Sojková Virtual Conference CONCORDi 2021 on Industrial innovation The European Conference on Corporate R&D and Innovation discusses on issues related to the economics and policy of corporate R&D and innovation. ...

Online fórum o udržitelnosti výzkumných infrastruktur

Iva Sojková Online fórum o udržitelnosti výzkumných infrastruktur The online forum on the topic of Planning for Sustainability of Research Infrastructures is organised to bring to the fore the policy views, examples from operational Research ...