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Webinář: Den inspirace pro postdoktorandy MSCA

This event provides a welcomed opportunity to learn more about the experience with MSCA postdoctoral fellowships from the grant holders from Baltic region. ...

Webinář: Den inspirace pro postdoktorandy MSCA

Iva Sojková Webinar: Baltic MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships Inspiration Day This event provides a welcomed opportunity to learn more about the experience with MSCA postdoctoral fellowships from the grant holders from Baltic region. ...


Project ID Number: Project ID (Acronym): PROJECT PROPOSAL DETAILS When submitting the consortium proposal via the Electronic Proposal Submission System (EPSS), participants from the CAS institutes must submit this Project ...


Project ID Number: Project ID (Acronym): PROJECT PROPOSAL DETAILS When submitting the consortium proposal electronically using the PT-Outline webtool, participants from the CAS institutes must submit this Project Proposal ...


Project ID Number: Project ID (Acronym): PROJECT PROPOSAL DETAILS When submitting the consortium proposal electronically using the PT-Outline webtool, participants from the CAS institutes must submit this Project Proposal ...

Online akce: Aktualizovaná průmyslová strategie EU a plány průmyslových technologií ERA

This one hour session will tackle how the industrial strategy addresses the twin challenges of the green and digital transformations. ...

Virtuální informační den: Propojení evropských energetických zařízení 2021

Iva Sojková Virtual Info Day: Connecting Europe Facility Energy 2021 The event will present the policy context of the call for proposals addressing Projects of Common Interest (PCIs), the application and evaluation process, and to provide ...

Online akce: Evropský týden regionů a měst

The European Week of Regions and Cities (#EURegionsWeek) is the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy. ...

Online workshop: Cesty k řešení problematiky odlivu mozků v EU

Iva Sojková Online workshop: Pathways to address brain drain issues in the EU The workshop will give a brief overview of the main causes for brain drain of researchers in different EU Member States. ...

Online akce: Evropský týden regionů a měst

Iva Sojková Online event: European Week of Regions and Cities The European Week of Regions and Cities (#EURegionsWeek) is the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy. More information about the event is available here.

Workshop: Věda pro zelenou tranzici

The workshop aims to study the roles and contributions that national governments, research performers, and research funders can play to help apply and translate scientific knowledge into policies and actions that address the climate crisis. ...

Webinář: Horizont Evropa - stručný průvodce včasnou přípravou správného finančního výkazu

Iva Sojková Webinar: Horizon Europe – Quick guide to prepare an accurate financial statement on time This webinar will prepare its participants for the financial statements and help them to get ready, plan the work ahead and manage collaborative ...

Online konference: Týden grantů

Grants Week aims to provide researchers and research support staff with practical and useful information about grant programmes focusing on international grants, especially the European Commission Horizon Europe. ...

Webinář: Horizont Evropa - průvodce včasnou přípravou finančního výkazu

This webinar will prepare its participants for the financial statements and help them to get ready, plan the work ahead and manage collaborative work. ...

Online konference: Týden grantů

Iva Sojková Online conference: Grants Week Grants Week aims to provide researchers and research support staff with practical and useful information about grant programmes focusing on international grants, especially the European Commission ...

Konference: Nordic Edge Expo 2021

The goal of this hybrid event is to create a more sustainable and inclusive future through collaboration and identification future challenges and discussing their remedies. ...

Konference: Nordic Edge Expo 2021

Iva Sojková Conference: Nordic Edge Expo 2021 This leading Smart City event in the Nordics will bring together leading players from academia, and the private and public sectors to debate four topics related to its main theme “It’s tomorrow” – ...

Online akce: Význam mise Horizontu Evropa - Obnova oceánů a vody

Iva Sojková Online event: Relevance of Horizon Europe’s Mission - Restore our Ocean and Waters This online will present the HEU Mission's roadmap and objectives, illustrating them with projects and actions already implemented on the Rhône ...

Online workshop: Copernicus a veřejné zdraví

Iva Sojková Online workshop: Copernicus and Public Health This workshop will introduce how Copernicus data has been used in relation to the health and well-being, especially since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic when its data became important ...

Online akce: Význam mise Horizontu Evropa - Obnova oceánů a vody

This online will present the HEU Mission's roadmap and objectives, illustrating them with projects and actions already implemented on the Rhône River, in order to connect European strategies with national and local scales. ...