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E-learningový kurz: Jak zvýšit politický dopad výzkumu

Are you a scientist who is wondering what skills will help you to improve the impact of your research on policy and society at large? ...

Webinář k ERC Starting grantům ve společenských a humanitních vědách

Marie Vosečková ERC Starting Grant 2021 call webinar The British Academy will be holding a webinar on 25 February, 9:30-11:00am for researchers in the humanities and social sciences interested in applying for the 2021 ERC Starting Grant call. ...

Série webinářů v rámci partnerství HERA

Marie Vosečková HERA webinar series will be launched in March 2021 The first thematic webinar on the topics addressed by the HERA partnership will be held on March, 16, 2021. Other HERA webinars will take place every month until July 2021. ...


Following the participation of the CAS in the CHANSE Programme, a joint initiative of two existing networks HERA and NORFACE supporting research in the field of humanities and social sciences, the CAS research institutes have a new possibility ...

Celoevropská konference pro vědce z humanitních věd

Between 5 and 7 May 2021, the Portuguese capital Lisbon will host this year’s edition of the “European Humanities Conference“, titled “European Humanities and Beyond”. ...

JRC otevírá své living labs k tématu "chytrých měst"

The JRC is opening two of its research sites, Ispra, in Italy, and Petten, in the Netherlands, to host living labs. Marie Vosečková Pilot living labs at the JRC These "living labs" create user-centred environments that enable ...

Tréninkový workshop k managementu ve výzkumu pro začínající badatele

The interactive workshop will be held online on 18 February 2021 to provide an introduction to research management. Marie Vosečková ReMaT workshop – Research management training for early-stage researchers The workshop is primarily intended for ...


The CHANSE Call Transformations: Social and cultural dynamics in the digital age will be presented during a webinar held on March 15, 2021 from 10:00. ...

Slavnostní spuštění Evropské inovační rady

On 18 March, 2021, the European Innovation Council (EIC), which ran as a pilot in the previous Horizon 2020 framework programme, will be officially kick-started in the full regime and will become an integral part of the new Horizon Europe ...

Workshop na téma výzkumných infrastruktur

On 17 and 18 March 2021, a France-based non-governmental organisation European Science Foundation (ESF) together with a scientific platform Europlanet Society throw an online workshop devoted to Research Infrastructures. ...

Webinář k poskytování vědeckého poradenství v oblasti potravin a životního prostředí

Do your scientific interests lie in agriculture, food, climate, or environment and would you like to translate your findings into practice and provide guidelines to the decision-making sphere on what policies should be put in place? ...

Workshop k otevřené vědě

Support of Open Science is a long-term political priority for the EU. Horizon Europe goes a step further compared to the previous Horizon 2020 framework programme. ...

Save-the-date: Série webinářů k adaptaci na změnu klimatu

The 5th edition of the European Climate Change Adaptation conference (ECCA), which will take place in a high-level format on 22 June 2021, will be preceded by a series of online webinars. ...

Workshop: Synergie mezi Horizontem Evropa a kohezními fondy

The workshop organized by the APRE agency and the NCP Academy on 19 March 2021 will focus on the new provisions for implementing synergies between the EU framework programme for research and innovation and the European Structural and Investment ...

Globe EU Wake Up Call: webinář na téma voda a její nedostatek

So-called “Wake Up Calls” is a series of talks on current pressing environmental challenges, organised by Globe EU. The platform, composed of Members of the European Parliament from different countries and political groups, focuses on ...

Webinář k novinkám EIT

The next programme period brings several novelties also for the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). ...

QuantERA otevírá výzvu k předkládání návrhů projektů

In 2021, the Czech Republic, specifically the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (MEYS) and the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR), joined the QuantERA network supporting research in the field of quantum ...

Workshop k otevřené vědě

Lyudmyla Tysyachna Workshop on Open Science On 14 April 2021, a workshop on Open Science in Horizon Europe will take place. For registration and more information about the event, please see our website here.

Sympozium ke spolupráci s Latinskou Amerikou v oblasti výzkumných infrastruktur

Would you like to cooperate with the Latin American research community? Lyudmyla Tysyachna Symposium on cooperation with Latin America in the area of Research Infrastructures This three-day virtual symposium, which will take place on 15-17 June ...

Webinář ERC pro žadatele

Are you applying for an ERC grant and do you have queries regarding the application process? The ERC offers a unique opportunity to receive first-hand answers. ...