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Webinář: Finanční pravidla v Horizontu Evropa

How will we calculate daily rates to report personnel costs in Horizon Europe? What are the changes with project-based remuneration reporting? ...

Sympozium ke spolupráci s Latinskou Amerikou v oblasti výzkumných infrastruktur

Lyudmyla Tysyachna Symposium on cooperation with Latin America in the area of Research Infrastructures Would you like to explore the possibilities of cooperation with Latin American scientists? ...

Celoevropská konference pro vědce z humanitních věd

Lyudmyla Tysyachna European Humanities Conference Between 5-7 May 2021, the next edition of the European Humanities Conference will take place in the Portuguese capital of Lisbon. ...

Webinář: Finanční pravidla v Horizontu Evropa

Lyudmyla Tysyachna Webinar: Financial rules of Horizon Europe Would you like to know how will the financial rules in Horizon Europe change compared to the previous Horizon 2020 framework programme? For more information, please see the event page.

Webinář ERC pro žadatele

Lyudmyla Tysyachna ERC webinar for applicants On 26 March 2021, a webinar for applicants will be organised by the ERC. For more information, please go to the event page.

Průvodce etickými otázkami v projektech Horizontu Evropa

Are you preparing a project proposal under Horizon Europe but you are not sure whether you are obliged to submit the ethics self-assessment form? ...

Webinář: MSCA v Horizontu Evropa

What novelties and changes will the new framework programme bring for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions? Lyudmyla Tysyachna Webinar: MSCA in Horizon Europe On 23 March 2021, an online information day will take place where you can learn what ...

EU spouští publikační platformu Open Research Europe

The EU has been striving to achieve open access to all publications funded from the EU financial resources for long. An important step in this direction is the new publishing platform Open Research Europe, officially launched by the European ...

ZÁZNAM: Jak předcházet chybám při vykazování osobních nákladů v Horizontu 2020?

On 30 March 2021, a webinar on declaring personnel costs in Horizon 2020 projects took place. Lyudmyla Tysyachna VIDEO RECORDING: Avoiding errors in declaring personnel costs in Horizon 2020 grants Speakers from the European Commission gave tips ...

Zúčastněte se EIT Food Government Executive Academy 2021

Are you interested in the food and agricultural sectors? You have the last chance to apply to the EIT Food Government Executive Academy 2021. ...

Fellowshipy pro doktorandy na Kypru

Are you considering pursuing a part of your PhD studies abroad? CYENS, a Cypriot research centre, offers 5 PhD fellowships for the academic year 2021-2022. ...

TIP: Článek k plánům genderové rovnosti

We recommend having a look at the article by the Estonian NCP for the Widening Participation and Strenghtening the ERA part of Horizon Europe, Kristin Kraav, published in the April edition of the NCP_WIDE.Net project bulletin. ...

Série workshopů k FAIR managementu dat v EOSC

During the week of 7-15 April 2021, a series of online events on the issue of FAIR data management in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) will take place. ...


AGENDA: Invest in Innovation – Europe Session Monday, April 19th, 2021 4:00 – 5:30 PM IST | 12:30 – 2:00 PM CET TIME (IST) TIME (CET) Session on R&D Investment Opportunities in India 4:00 – 4:05 12:30 – 12:35 ...

Webinář: Inovační spolupráce mezi EU a Indií

A consultation company European Business Technology Center, which was originally constituted as a programme co-funded by the EU to facilitate mutual ties with India, is organising a webinar on innovation collaboration with this South Asian ...

Workshop: Možnosti financování EU v oblasti vědeckého poradenství

On 6 May 2021 (tbc), the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC) throws an online workshop where relevant EU funding programmes supporting science for policy making will be presented. ...

Webinář: Jak uspět v Horizontu Evropa (II. část)

The European Commission is organising the next webinar on how to succeed in the framework programme. This time, the focus will be on such aspects as open science, gender dimension or dissemination, exploitation and communication of research ...

Webinář: Jak uspět v Horizontu Evropa (II. část)

Lyudmyla Tysyachna Webinar: How to succeed in Horizon Europe (2nd part) The European Commission is preparing its second webinar meant to get future participants acquainted with the new rules of Horizon Europe. ...

Konference JRC ke standardizaci vědy a „organ-on-chip“ technologii

Lyudmyla Tysyachna JRC Conference on Organ-on-Chip: Putting Science into Standards On 28 and 29 April 2021, the next edition of an annual European standardization conference will take place, this time with a focus on "organ-on-chip" ...

Webinář EIT k novému KIC v oblasti kultury a kreativity

In the new programming period 2021-2027, the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) is supposed to commence two new Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs). ...