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Webinář EIT k novému KIC v oblasti kultury a kreativity

Lyudmyla Tysyachna EIT webinar on a new KIC in the field of culture and creativity A webinar on the upcoming call for proposals for a new EIT KIC in the field of Cultural & Creative Sectors and Industries will be held on 21 April 2021. ...

Save-the-date: webináře HERA na humanitněvědní témata

The HERA partnership – an ERA-NET Cofund supporting research in the field of humanities in Europe – launched a series of webinars in March this year, which will run until July 2021. ...

Konference JRC ke standardizaci vědy a „organ-on-chip“ technologii

The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC) in collaboration with the European Standardization Organizations CEN and CENELEC organise the next edition of an annual conference on standardization of science, whose goal is to ...

Evropský týden valorizace znalostí 2021

Are you interested in knowledge and technology transfer? Do not miss a one-week event dedicated to the issue of knowledge valorisation. Lyudmyla Tysyachna EU Knowledge Valorisation Week 2021 The conference will take place on 27-30 April 2021. ...

Evropský týden valorizace znalostí 2021

Lyudmyla Tysyachna EU Knowledge Valorisation Week 2021 Between 27-30 April 2021, a series of online workshops on the issue of knowledge valorisation will be held. For more information, please see the event page.

Předběžné termíny výzev ERC pro rok 2022

ERC has published preliminary dates of its calls for proposals for 2022. Due to the start of the new Horizon Europe framework programme, the calendar for ERC upcoming calls differs from previous years. ...

Webinář: Jak na úspěšný návrh projektu v Horizontu Evropa - ZÁZNAM

On 24 March 2021, the European Commission organised a full day webinar for future applicants to the new framework programme. ...

Fellowshipy Global at Venice

Global at Venice Fellowship Programme (G@V), hosted by the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and co-financed by the EU through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions COFUND scheme, opens its first edition. ...

Staňte se hodnotiteli projektů EU pro období 2021-2027

The European Commission has opened a call for the expression of interest for experts who will be assessing applications for funding, monitoring projects and providing opinions and advice on specific issues. ...

Webinář: Kulturní dědictví v digitálním věku

Lyudmyla Tysyachna Webinar: Cultural Heritage in Digital Age On 21 April 2021, the Polish Science Contact Agency PolSCA together with the Polish Institute Brussels are organising a webinar on Cultural Heritage in Digital Age. ...

Webinář: Kulturní dědictví v digitálním věku

Polish Science Contact Agency PolSCA of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Institute Brussels are organising a webinar devoted to the topic of Cultural Heritage in Digital Age. ...

Webinář Evropské komise: Aktuality v Horizontu Evropa

EMDESK in cooperation with the European Commission are preparing a webinar, which will allow you to get acquainted with the latest updates on Horizon Europe, including missions, strategic planning, the European Innovation Council (EIC) as well ...


The objective of the webinar organized by ERA-LEARN platform is to present best practices related to enhancing Widening Countries’ participation in partnership initiatives. ...

Partnerská burza: Digitální a průmyslové technologie a mobilita

Are you considering submitting a project proposal in Horizon Europe in the field of Digital and Industrial Technologies and Mobility, including AI, Robotics and Quantum computing, but are you still in search of consortium partners? ...

Webinář: Spojené království v Horizontu Evropa

After the Brexit, the UK and the EU agreed on the associated status of the former to the Union’s new framework programme Horizon Europe. ...

Webinář: Widening v Evropských partnerstvích

Lyudmyla Tysyachna Webinář: Widening v Evropských partnerstvích On 28 April 2021, the participation of the widening countries in the European partnerships will be discussed in a webinar organised by the ERA-LEARN platform. ...

Online summit o nerostných surovinách

The online event will address the pressing challenges Europe is facing related to the anticipated dramatic increase in demand for critical raw materials that are vital for a green and digital transition. ...

Webinář: perspektiva EU v oblasti globální spolupráce ve výzkumu a inovacích

The online event is organised in response to the new EU’s strategy for global cooperation within research and innovation and introduces possible ways of Norway’s participation in the European Research Area (ERA). ...

Online summit o nerostných surovinách

Iva Sojková Online summit on raw materials RawMaterials Summit: In Focus will gather Europe’s foremost industry leaders, entrepreneurs, policymakers and academics from across the raw materials value chain to showcase raw materials innovation ...

Online akce k MSCA a evropské Zelené dohodě

The European Commission and the European Research Executive Agency (REA) are organising a “European Green Deal Cluster Event" that will bring together excellent projects and researchers funded under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA). ...