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Výsledky vyhledávání
Workshop o změnách klimatu

The event aims to inform and discuss the science behind climate change with representatives from civil society, youth movements, young activists, and interested citizens. ...

Workshop o změnách klimatu

Iva Sojková Workshop on climate change The event aims to inform and discuss the science behind climate change with representatives from civil society, youth movements, young activists, and interested citizens. ...

Online sympozium o integrálním rozvoji - diskuse mezi Evropou a Jižní Amerikou

The series of online events is organised during June and July and introduces theories and practices to implement circular and ecologically oriented economic systems and build a fairer society. ...

Webinář: Impakt a inovace v projektech financovaných EU

This webinar addresses different ways to define professional and systematic IP management in Horizon (2020/HEU) projects. ...

Online sympozium o integrálním rozvoji - diskuse mezi Evropou a Jižní Amerikou

Iva Sojková Online symposium on integral development – talks between Europe and South America The series of online events is organised during June and July and introduces theories and practices to implement circular and ecologically oriented ...

Webinář: Maximalizace dopadu výsledků projektů programu Horizont 2020

Iva Sojková Webinar: Maximizing the Impact of Horizon 2020 project results This webinar gives an overall view of the creation and the development of IP rights both during and after the duration of an H2020 project. ...

Webinář: Impakt a inovace v projektech financovaných EU

Iva Sojková Webinář: Impakt a inovace v projektech financovaných EU This webinar addresses different ways to define professional and systematic IP management in Horizon (2020/HEU) projects. More information about the webinar may be found here.

Evropské dny pro výzkum a inovace letos proběhnou online

The 2021 edition of the European Research and Innovation Days is organised by the European Commission online on 23 and 24 June. Everyone can get involved from anywhere. ...

Webinář o rozšiřování účasti a šíření excelence v programu Horizont Evropa

This virtual event will focus on the research communities of the widening countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. ...

Webinář o rozšiřování účasti a šíření excelence v programu Horizont Evropa

Iva Sojková Webinar on Widening Participation and Spreading Excellence in Horizon Europe This virtual event will focus on the research communities of the widening countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, ...

Diskuse s poradní skupinou pro africko-evropskou spolupráci ve výzkumu a inovacích

Six high-level experts from Africa and Europe advise the European Commission on how to boost the potential of R&I for Africa-Europe cooperation. ...

Evropská komise oficiálně zveřejnila pracovní programy Horizontu Evropa

On 15 June 2021, the European Commission officially adopted and published the Horizon Europe Work Programmes for the period 2021-2022, which will operate with a budget of €14.7 billion during this period. ...

Online akce k zahájení činnosti Evropského obranného fondu (EDF)

The virtual launch event of the European Defence Fund (EDF) is dedicated to the landmark adoption of the EDF Regulation and the EDF Work Programme for 2021. ...

Online diskuse s poradní skupinou pro africko-evropskou spolupráci v oblasti výzkumu a inovací

Iva Sojková Online Exchange with the Advisory Group on African-European R&I Cooperation Six high-level experts from Africa and Europe advise the European Commission on how to boost the potential of R&I for Africa-Europe cooperation. ...

Online akce k zahájení činnosti Evropského obranného fondu (EDF)

Iva Sojková Launch event of the European Defence Fund (EDF) The virtual launch event of the European Defence Fund (EDF) is dedicated to the landmark adoption of the EDF Regulation and the EDF Work Programme for 2021. ...

Online konference V4 o pozorování Země

This online June event is dedicated to the theme of "Earth Observations for citizens and the planet. V4 perspective on R&I contributions to the Copernicus programme". ...

Online akce k MSCA a evropské Zelené dohodě

Iva Sojková Online event on MSCA European Green Deal The Green Deal cluster event is part of the EU’s feedback-to-policy activities and convenes EU policymakers, researchers and experts to explore how R&I can help achieve the goals of the ...

Online konference V4 o pozorování Země

Iva Sojková Online V4 Conference on Earth Observations This online event is dedicated to the theme of "Earth Observations for citizens and the planet. ...

Informační dny o Horizontu Evropa

Iva Sojková Horizon Europe info-days The 10-day event will give the opportunity to prospective applicants, and other stakeholders of EU research and innovation, to receive information and ask questions about the novelties, main funding ...

Online workshop: dunajský region v Horizontu 2020

The online event aims to implement the updated Action Plan of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) and to contribute to increased participation of the countries of the region in the European Research Area (ERA). ...