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Online workshop: dunajský region v Horizontu 2020

Iva Sojková Online workshop: the Danube Region in Horizon 2020 The online event aims to implement the updated Action Plan of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) and to contribute to increased participation of the countries of the ...

Webinář: perspektiva EU v oblasti globální spolupráce ve výzkumu a inovacích

Iva Sojková Webinar: the EU’s perspective on global cooperation in research and innovation The online event is organised in response to the new EU’s strategy for global cooperation within research and innovation and introduces possible ways of ...

Partnerská burza programu Horizont Evropa na téma bezpečnosti

Iva Sojková Horizon Europe brokerage event on security The main objective of the event is to build a platform for the participants to share their project ideas and find partners for future consortia. ...

Konference o souvislostech mezi vodou, energií, potravinami a ekosystémy (WEFE)

The Conference will discuss the solutions for population growth and urbanisation driving higher demand for water, energy food trend in the Mediterranean region where the situation is aggravated by global warming. ...

Konference o souvislostech mezi vodou, energií, potravinami a ekosystémy (WEFE)

Iva Sojková Konference o souvislostech mezi vodou, energií, potravinami a ekosystémy (WEFE) The Conference will discuss the solutions for population growth and urbanisation driving higher demand for water, energy food trend in the Mediterranean ...


This event will be held as part of a series of webinars focusing on humanities, which have been organised under the auspices of the HERA partnership since March 2021. ...

Webinář: Maximalizace dopadu výsledků projektů programu Horizont 2020

This webinar gives an overall view of the creation and the development of IP rights both during and after the duration of an H2020 project. ...

Webinář: jak mohou výzkumné instituce podporovat zaměstnance pracující v zahraničí

The mobility solutions webinar will share some thoughts from pan-European social security, tax and pension experts and pension fund stakeholders around the current challenges companies face in regards to retirement benefits with increasingly ...

Webinář: jak mohou výzkumné instituce podporovat zaměstnance pracující v zahraničí

Iva Sojková Webinar on the way research institutions may support staff to work abroad The mobility solutions webinar will share some thoughts from pan-European social security, tax and pension experts and pension fund stakeholders around the ...

Online akce: Realizace Evropského inovačního prostoru

The event is a handover and introduction ceremony of the UAS4EUROPE Innovation Action Plan for Europe that will make concrete applied research recommendations for the realization of the European Innovation Area (EIA). ...

Tipy a doporučení k plánům genderové rovnosti v Horizontu Evropa

This Guidance recently published by the European Commission supports organisations to meet the Gender Equality Plan (GEP) eligibility criterion of Horizon Europe. ...

Online akce: Realizace Evropského inovačního prostoru

Iva Sojková Online event: Realizing the European Innovation Area The event is a handover and introduction ceremony of the UAS4EUROPE Innovation Action Plan for Europe that will make concrete applied research recommendations for the realization ...

Série webinářů: Chytrá specializace pro Cíle udržitelného rozvoje

This series of six webinars on Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will summarize and explore the theoretical background as well as the methodological and practical applications of including the ...

Série webinářů: Chytrá specializace pro Cíle udržitelného rozvoje

Iva Sojková Webinar series: Smart Specialisation for Sustainable Development Goals This series of six webinars on Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will summarize and explore the theoretical background ...

Webinář: Integrované techniky pro seismickou a energetickou modernizaci budov

This event will look into different aspects of the Renovation Wave in search of ways to make the most out of its implementation. ...

Webinář: Řešení energetické a mobilitní chudoby pro inkluzivní zelenou tranzici

The webinar addresses fair, just, and inclusive energy transition in the context of its affects in the poverty in Europe. ...

Webinář: Integrované techniky pro seismickou a energetickou modernizaci budov

Iva Sojková Webinar: Integrated techniques for the seismic and energy retrofit of buildings This event will look into different aspects of the Renovation Wave in search of ways to make the most out of its implementation. ...

Informační dny: klastr 6 - potraviny, bioekonomika, přírodní zdroje, zemědělství a životní prostředí

The primary goal of the info days’ second edition is to present the 77 open topics of the Horizon Europe Cluster 6 2022 calls and to stimulate participation. ...

Informační dny: 6 - Potraviny, bioekonomika, přírodní zdroje, zemědělství a životní prostředí

Iva Sojková Info days: Cluster 6 - Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture & Environment The primary goal of the info days’ second edition is to present the 77 open topics of the Horizon Europe Cluster 6 2022 calls and to stimulate ...

Online konference: SciDataCon 2021

SciDataCon is a 10-day long international conference for scrutiny and discussion of the frontier issues of data in research. ...