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Online konference: SciDataCon 2021

Iva Sojková Online conference: SciDataCon 2021 SciDataCon is a 10-day long international conference for scrutiny and discussion of the frontier issues of data in research. ...

Cena SOFT Innovation: Ocenění výsledků v oblasti energie z jaderné fúze

The contest aims to stimulate the research community to strengthen innovation and foster an entrepreneurial culture in fusion research. ...

Workshop: Společně za oživení letectví

Aviation is at the crossroads of the EU's triple transition – green, digital and resilient recovery. Greener aviation should restore fundamental freedom of movement for citizens and goods in all EU regions. ...

Webinář: Sociálně-ekonomické výzvy spojené s pandemií koronaviru

The aim of the webinar is to strengthen global collaboration in research and innovation and tackle the socio-economic challenges caused by the coronavirus pandemic. ...

Workshop: Společně za oživení letectví

Iva Sojková Workshop: Together for aviation recovery Aviation is at the crossroads of the EU's triple transition – green, digital and resilient recovery. ...

Webinář: Jak spolupracovat se Spojeným královstvím dnes a v budoucnu

Iva Sojková Webinar: How to collaborate with the UK now and in the future This online event will give an overview of the UK status regarding Horizon Europe and UK mobility schemes offered to the EU researchers. ...

Webinář: Sociálně-ekonomické výzvy spojené s pandemií koronaviru

Iva Sojková Webinar: Socio-economic challenges of the coronavirus pandemic The aim of the webinar is to strengthen global collaboration in research and innovation and tackle the socio-economic challenges caused by the coronavirus pandemic. ...

Konference o Zelené dohodě a datovém prostoru

The event provides a forum for stakeholders from government, academia and industry to discuss the latest developments of the INSPIRE Directive. ...

Webinář: Jak spolupracovat se Spojeným královstvím dnes a v budoucnu

This online event will give an overview of the UK status regarding Horizon Europe and UK mobility schemes offered to the EU researchers. ...

Konference o Zelené dohodě a datovém prostoru

Iva Sojková Conference on Green Deal and data space The event provides a forum for stakeholders from government, academia and industry to discuss the latest developments of the INSPIRE Directive. ...

Konference: Nový Evropský výzkumný prostor

The Conference will focus on discussing the process of redesigning the European Research Area (ERA) policy framework, informing future European Commission policy initiatives, as well as feeding into policy-making work of the Council of the EU, ...

Networkingová akce ke klastru 5: klima, energie a mobilita

The online networking event will cover informative sessions about the Cluster 5 call topics, pitching sessions for the presentation of ideas & competences and finding partner alternatives for consortiums and one-to-one partnering meetings. ...

Webinář: Vyhledávání partnerů na portálu Funding & Tenders a profil partnera

The European Commission will hold a webinar to present and discuss new features of the Funding & Tenders Portal related to the users' person profiles and person-based search for partners in proposals. ...

Veřejná konzultace: Změna klimatu – obnova udržitelných uhlíkových cyklů

The European Commission invites comments on the EU initiative on restoring sustainable carbon cycles. Iva Sojková Public consultation: Climate change - restoring sustainable carbon cycles The initiative aims to create a long-term vision of ...

Výzva k přihlašování na Školení projektových manažerů zemí V4

The training for project managers from the Visegrad Group countries aims to increase their professional capacity and awareness of European research. ...

Výzva k účasti v odborných skupinách k národní datové infrastruktuře ČR

The opportunity to participate in expert working groups that will be involved in defining technical and other parameters of the national data infrastructure in the Czech Republic is open. ...

Partnerská burza v rámci programu Horizont Evropa na téma energetika

The aim of this online event is to enable companies, researchers and other participants to share their project ideas and find suitable project partners for future consortia focusing on the 5 HEU cluster, on energy related topics. ...

Online partnerská burza ke klastru 1: Zdraví

Iva Sojková Online brokerage event Cluster 1: Health The main objective of the international brokerage event is to gather all the relevant stakeholders intending to apply for funding in the Horizon Europe - Cluster 1 calls. ...

Veřejná konzultace o politice poskytování půjček v dopravě

The European Investment Bank (EIB) organises an online event as part of the public consultation on the revision of the EIB’s Transport Lending Policy. ...

Online partnerská burza ke klastru 1: Zdraví

The main objective of the international brokerage event is to gather all the relevant stakeholders intending to apply for funding in the Horizon Europe - Cluster 1 calls. ...